Sunday, July 4, 2010

Module 9

Our school had a scootle account and although it is quite expensive, it is definately worth the money. I'm not really interested in reading other teachers comments and suggestions because we as teachers quite simply - don't have time! Scootle has many resources for people to share with one another but to be honest, I really am a fan of FREE SITES that teachers upload to. Yes we need to go through the resources, however we would have to do that anyway to see if it is valuable or worth using.

I'm not sure of what the benefit of posting links to facebook and twitter is for this module if we are not going to be using those sites as a way of communicating with students. I understand the purpose of it when social networking, but that's just it, it is social networking, not a classroom resource.

With social life, I was unable to access it through SAO so unable to see how it relates to primary students.

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