Sunday, July 4, 2010

Module 4

Flickr...yuck!!! I find flickr to be a waste of time (for me personally). With so many programs on your own computer to edit photos and other social networking sites to post photos and communicate electronically, why on earth would someone want to create a whole new account to post and edit photos? Seems like more work to me.

I'm not exactly sure yet where or how I would use Flickr with my students but with furthur personal use (to change my mindset of this tools and to familarise myself a little more with its editing features) I may find a purpose for it in my classroom.

I was not aware of the "Creative commons organisation" until this module. It can be a great way to organising and sharing of "cultural, educational and scientific content." It allows indiciduals and creators to give permission for use of part or all of their material.

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