Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Module 1 - part 1



As you can see from my picture, Module 1 proved to be very frustrating. Watching the videos and related links for Web2.0 and making an iGoogle account were very straight forward and quite simple. The frustration (and trouble) began when trying to make my own iGoogle gadget. After about an hour of playing around with this, I have up and submitted to failing this component of Module 1 (for now). I will seek assistance from other users and then attempt to complete that component again.

In terms of instructions giving to create a gadget, I found that there was not enough straight forward information provided. The information that was given was not useful to me. I google searched other ways to create a gadget and attempted a number of times to make my own, and failed on all occasion's.

I have not given up hope and will return. Stay tuned for part 2 of my Module 1 posting over the next few weeks.


  1. Don't give up hope, just move on. There is much better stuff to come!

    I also had trouble creating a google gadget and after reading a few blogs it's obvious that others did too. I spent so long on the activity that it almost became obsessive! Finally I admitted defeat with the firm opinion of "Why should I create my own gadget when there are SO many out there already?"

  2. Sara, I understand your frustration: Connie's advice is good - "just move on". You haven't failed! Thanks for the great clip art for this post - it captures "frustration" perfectly!

  3. Hi Connie and Peter

    Thank you for posting, sorry it has taken me a while to respond. I have been holidaying!

    I am not as frustrated about creating my own gadget as I had been previously. I have moved on as you suggested Connie. I also found that there were so many gadgets out there that are great to use, particularly a certain gaming gadget that I have become addicted to called 'Traffic' (I think!).

    The first thing I did before writing my reflection was google images on frustration. :D i wanted everyone to know exactly how I was feeling that day. Funny though, when I look back at the image now i am laughing to myself because there was absolutely no reason to be frustrated!

    Anyways...here I go again :D
